Huge iPhone game sale: Capcom, EA, and Gameloft titles 99 cents each
I love 99-cent games. Wait, that's not right: I love games that are priced at 99 cents. Which is why today is my lucky day: three major game developers have slashed prices on some of their bestselling titles.Between them, Capcom, EA Games, and Gameloft are selling nearly 50 iPhone/iPod Touch games for 99 cents apiece--and a handful of iPad titles as well. (Update: SEGA titles are on sale as well.) That's fairly unprecedented. The only tricky part is figuring out where to spend my shiny new dollar. (Oh, who am I kidding, I'll probably end up spending a dozen of them.)Capcom's list is the shortest, so I'll start there:Devil May Cry 4 RefrainPhoenix WrightResident Evil 4 (also for iPad)Street Fighter IVOn the flipside, EA Games (which is "welcoming Verizon users to the iPhone") has the longest list of goodies, including:Battlefield: Bad Company 2FIFA 10FIFA 11Madden NFL 11Mirror's EdgeMonopolyMonopoly Here & Now: The World EditionNBA Elite 11NCAA FootballNeed For Speed Hot PursuitNeed For Speed ShiftNeed For Speed UndercoverPictureka! (also for iPad)Reckless Racing (also for iPad)Risk: The Official GameScrabbleSimCity DeluxeSnood (also for iPad)TetrisThe Game of Life Classic EditionThe Sims 3The Sims 3 AmbitionsThe Sims 3 World AdventuresThe Simpsons ArcadeYahtzee (also for iPad)Whew! Quite a list. Finally, we come to Gameloft, which has 13 titles on sale as part of a Valentine's Day promotion (which ends Feb. 14, natch). Here's the rundown:Brothers In Arms 2: Global FrontDriverFishing Kings Hero of Sparta IILet's Golf! 2 Prince of Persia: Warrior WithinRayman 2: The Great EscapeReal Golf 2011Shadow Guardian (also for iPad)Shrek KartSpider-Man: Total MayhemStar Battalion (also for iPad)Zombie InfectionGameloft is also letting users vote on a 14th game, one that will go on sale for 99 cents on Feb. 14. The only catch: to cast your vote, you have to "like" Gameloft on Facebook (a step I know some users won't want to take).My question for you: if you had only $1 to spend, which of these games would you buy--and why? I'd probably have to give the nod to Madden NFL 11, but, man, it's a tough call.Update: SEGA also has a bunch of games on sale for 99 cents, including Altered Beast, ChuChu Rocket (also for iPad), and Super Monkey Ball 2.